Pilates for Everyone
Pilates is exercise for your mind, body, and spirit, but what if your body won’t cooperate? How can you take advantage of all Pilates has to offer—strengthening your core, enhancing your flexibility, and even improving your posture—if you think you’re too old or too big or too physically unable to perform the Hundred, the Shoulder Bridge, or the Double-Leg Stretch?
No matter what your age, size, or physical ability is, you can do every exercise in Pilates for Everyone. Each Pilates exercise shows the typical movements for gaining the physical and mental benefits from that exercise. Then each exercise offers at least three variations performed by people just like you to help you find the right modification that fits who you are. This way, no matter which version you perform, you’re going to reach similar goals.
Pilates for Everyone includes these features:
50 step-by-step exercises for specific body areas
Step-by-step modifications for every exercise
10 routines that combine exercises from the book for maximum benefits
Expert advice from Micki Havard on how to get the most out of your practice